Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Reading List!

Hey everyone!

Things have been a little slow lately, I added a second job at Children's Hospital as a community relations intern so that's kept me pretty busy. Regardless, I've got a new post to write! 

Recently (and with some faculty contributions), I created a suggested reading list for MPA students looking to pick up a good book in our field. I took the idea from the UK Patterson School of Diplomacy which puts out an annual reading list every summer for its students. I'm always taking books off their list to read and figured it was about time for us to have a reading list as well. The challenge is, of course, trying to read for fun when many of us are bogged down with class readings, assignments and work. 

Best of luck on midterms!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Updates from the Road to Graduation

Hello everybody!

It's getting to be about time for another update. Hopefully everyone is making it through their classes this semester; if you need any help or advice, feel free to stop by the office! I've just recently completed a project to tame the shelves of past capstone projects and portfolios--should help those of you who stop by looking for a particular thing. I've also pulled together a list of capstone projects for the past 7 years--either myself, Julie or Beth has a copy of the list, which is of great use if you're looking for particular subjects, organizations, or previous students who have worked on a certain topic. My need for organization seems to have gotten then better of me.

In other news, last week we had an amazing guest speaker in Human Resource Management--Lori Zombeck from NKADD. If you haven't had that class already, she's been one of the most valuable resources in terms of resume/cover letter development. I highly recommend talking with her!

Until next time,